Monday, 14 October 2013

Form Study

Quite often in the course of designing a product, you'll find yourself doing some strange things. Although not the strangest thing one could do, creating this form study felt slightly bizarre, due to the unusual combination of materials and process. 

The aim was to "cut and shut" an existing collapsible silicone measuring cup into a form that more closely resembled our inhaler concept. Silicone is a notoriously hard material to adhere to anything, so after attempting to combine the parts with contact adhesive, it became apparent that glue wouldn't do.
It was decided that a mechanical fastening alternative was required, and so we decided to stitch the components together using dental floss (which was chosen for its strength and ribbon shape). The finished product, combined with some card, answers some of our most pertinent questions regarding;

  • Ease of use
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Tactility
  • How the extended silicone volume translates when flattened
  • Stitching the mock up



    Rear 3/4

    Side Elevation - Extended

    Side Elevation - Collapsed

    Hand Grip